Photo Prints Cheatsheet

Important: Costco's decision to close its photo processing centers nationwide has created a vaccum for our members. Here is an attempt to provide information that may be helpful in finding a suitable replacement service. This information is being provided for information only, the Leisure World Photography Club does not endorse any sources. We encourage you to visit these sites and make your own decisions. To download a copy, please click here.

Photo Prints Cheatsheet

October 16, 2023

Shutterfly: This is the company selected by Costco as their recommended replacement for their services to their customers. You may have authorized transfer of your files from Costco to Shutterfly. They offer a wide range of products and services at Discount for previous Costco customers.

Bay Photo: Official source of prints for SmugMug customers. Bay Photo was founded in 1976 with the purpose of providing Photographers with the finest possible prints, and most reliable service available. They offer Metal, Canvas, Acrylic, Framed, and a variety of other products. They can be reached at

TCR Photo Imaging Center: This is a subdivision of Tempe Camera on University Drive in Tempe. They offer professional, archival quality wet process photographic and inkjet printing, mounting, lamination, custom matting and framing, digital editing/retouching, fine art copy work and reproductions, video transferring and more! They can be located at Bob Bennett’s opinion: outstanding work but expensive since all work is by artisan hand, not machine.

Fine Arts America: Charlene Ingerson has been using them for years and likes the work. Good for metal prints, prints on different types of paper in a wide variety of sizes. They can be located at

Whitewall Photo: Mentioned by Jan Kelly. They can be reached at

Mpix: Recommended by Connie Lehrke.  They can be reached at

CVS Photo: Provides same day service on larger board prints (11x14 & 16x20). They have a sale going on now. They can be reached at

Printique: Founded as the in-house photo lab for Adorama, and formerly known as AdoramaPix, Printique responds to the evolution and growth of the photography industry, offering top quality printing and hundreds of creative options. They can be reached at

Walgreens Photo: They offer a wide range of products and services, including same-day pickup and coupons. They can be reached at

Walmart Photo Prints: They offer “Great Quality Prints and a Speedy Delivery.” Upload and order online, then pick up at your local Walmart. They can be reached at

Members Comments:

10-18-23 - Linda Weinstock just joined the yearly Walmart club. Photo prices are amazing and fast. Going to test it out tomorrow and see how they turn out.